Having solar panels installed on your home's roof can help save you money on your electricity bill and reduce your carbon footprint at the same time. However, there are certain factors that you should take into consideration before choosing a company solar installation, including maintenance costs and warranties.
Our solar panel Sydney experts have compiled the do's and don'ts of maintaining your solar panels to get the most out of your investment in the long run.
Make sure to wash them with your garden hose.
In most cases, it is the one requirement you need to perform to keep your panels clean and maintained. Dust can accumulate on panels, which can cause them to warm more rapidly and run less efficiently. So cleaning them from the ground every couple of months is an excellent method. Mostly it will wash through rainwater, so there is nothing to worry about.
Use a bit of soapy water to wash off stubborn grit.
If the hose doesn't do the job of getting rid of a constant stain or accumulation of dust, soapy water is acceptable to apply. If you have the option, use a squeegee with an extended handle at ground level. In other words, only ascend the roof when it's safe.
Use a reliable, experienced, and equipped expert to handle your needs.
If you're in Sydney and looking for an expert to help you with your solar panel Sydney maintenance, you should keep a few things in mind.
First, ensure that the person you're working with is reliable and experienced. They should also be equipped to handle your specific needs.
Second, don't hesitate to ask questions or get clarification on anything you're unsure about.
Third, be sure to follow all the instructions provided by the expert and make sure the installer is CEC accredited.
That way, you can ensure that the process goes smoothly without hiccups. And finally, remember that this kind of work is delicate, so avoid doing any work yourself unless it's necessary.
Be sure to inspect your panels from a distance from the ground.
The accumulation of leaves and rocks that could be deposited on your panels may create black or shaded spots in the process, increasing heat and reducing efficiency. Therefore, observing these at ground level when cleaning the panels can be a great idea. If you can, use the water from your hose to wash them off.
Avoid using a high-pressure washer.
High-pressure washers aren't required to wash your panels; A normal hose will suffice. In reality, high-pressure washers could be detrimental to the functioning of your panels as they could cause microfractures within the panels' glass. Additionally, you could void your warranty when using a pressure cleaner; many of them state that this shouldn't be used.
Don't assume a system needs major repairs when there are minor issues.
Many assume that when their solar panel system isn't working as it should, it needs major repairs. However, this is often not the case. In most cases, minor issues can be fixed without replacing the entire system. So, before you call for repairs, check to see if there are any easy fixes you can do yourself.
Do not climb up onto your roof without equipment for safety.
Your safety is the top priority. For example, you could injure yourself if you fall off the roof while trying to wash or inspect panels. Therefore, unless you're confident that you can do it safely, we don't recommend climbing on your top. Instead, let the professionals handle it.
Do not use any metallic objects, abrasive materials or harmful chemicals.
All of these can be a source of scratching, clouding or cause damage to the front glass of your panel. In addition, the loss of clarity in your panels can reduce their effectiveness and cause the same harm to your solar output as the shade you're trying to get rid of.
When soapy water doesn't seem to perform the job, it's recommended to set up a health check, and our technicians will safely remove the dirt.
A quick check every year is the most effective method of keeping your panels in good shape. Cleaning them regularly by using your hose can help keep them clean; however, don't attempt it on your own for more severe maintenance. Contact us for an appointment with one of our technicians for service.
Final Words
Solar panels are a superb way to save money on your energy bill, but they require little care after several years. Doing these things will help you keep your solar panels in tip-top shape so you can continue saving money on your energy bill!
If something goes wrong with your solar panels, make sure you call one of our solar experts from Solar Secure. Even though some simple repairs you could probably take care of on your own (such as cleaning off debris), anything beyond that should be left to someone who knows what they're doing.