Smart meters are gaining popularity everywhere. They are becoming standard at many places across the globe as well. If your household has a smart meter along with solar power, then you must be aware of how to read a smart meter with solar power.
That is because, if you're aware of the process, then you will easily understand your energy consumption and also keep track of how much you're saving. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss smart meters, how they benefit us, and how to read one using solar power. So, let's begin!
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What is a smart meter?
A smart meter refers to a digital electricity meter. It provides the user information regarding your electricity usage on a daily basis. Over the past few years, smart meters have become quite popular since they talk about "changing the method in which we view and think about the usage of energy".
These meters provide customers with upfront information regarding their energy usage as well. They record the household's usage of energy at intervals of 30 minutes. Solar Panels can even keep track of how much energy is being sent back to the grid.
Why are smart meters better?
- By installing smart meters, you will get access to the most accurate data regarding your energy usage. This will help you to become efficient and save more money.
- The energy providers won't have trouble accessing or collecting data regarding the energy.
- The provider will not have to personally measure energy usage for every individual. A smart meter can do that easily and send the data to the user
- You can disconnect the power from your home for a short period of time if you are going out on holiday.
How to read a smart meter using solar power?
There are different brands of smart meters available. The readings of each smart meter vary from one another. Therefore, the instructions provided below will give you a rough idea regarding how to read a smart meter using solar power.
- Firstly, locate your smart meter properly. Usually, it is present either in the front or at the back of the house.
- After locating it, look for a scroll button. This button will help you to scroll through all the screens.
Each screen has a different display and shows important information. Mostly, general information regarding your energy usage is available, but there is certain information that is exclusive to your smart meter available as well.

- The recorded electricity usage time is displayed on screen 02.
- The date of the recording of the electricity usage is shown in screen 03.
- Screen 04 displays the imported net amount of kWh.
- Screen 05 shows the net amount of energy that is generated by your household.
- The net amount of Imported Phase A kWh is shown in screen 06, while screen 07 shows the controlled load of Imported Phase C kWh.
- Lastly, screen 08 displays Exported Phase B kWh.
The readings mentioned above will help you to receive more information regarding your energy usage. It will allow you to be aware of whether more saving of electricity is required or not.

Ways to save electricity usage
It may happen, that after reading your smart meter, you feel the urge to save up on electricity. While there are many ways of doing so, we have provided you with some of the easiest ones.
- During summer and winter, your costs rapidly increase. That is especially because during summer you tend to switch the air conditioner on for a longer period of time. Same during winter, where you prefer to switch your heater on. As a result, the electricity bills become expensive.
- To avoid this, try and use more blankets and clothing during winter. Use the heater when it is absolutely necessary. During summer, get better insulation for your home and dress in soft and light clothing. Try installing window shutters since that resists the heat as well.
- Whenever you leave a room, do not forget to switch the light off. Usually, lights do not consume much electricity. But keeping them on for long periods can add up on your electricity bill together making it huge.
- While purchasing new products or appliances, make sure to take a look at their energy ratings. Try to buy appliances whose energy star ratings are good since they will save power and hence reduce your bills.
- Try to avoid the use of electric blankets. They take up a lot of electricity and hence provide you with expensive bills. Instead, use more blankets. But if you are using electric blankets, then do not keep them on for a long time.
- Let your clothes, as well as your dishes, get dry on their own. Reduce the use of your dishwasher and clothes dryer. Hang your clothes in the sun or even indoors if it is raining.
- Repair every electricity problem in the house. Fixing them will provide you with more efficient work and will optimize your energy output as well.
- Installing solar panels, if you haven't already also help you in reducing your energy consumption.
Knowing how to read a smart meter allows you to be fully informed regarding your energy usage and hence helps you to reduce your energy consumption much before the arrival of your electricity bills.
But do not expect it to show the readings immediately after the spiking of your energy usage. Since it records at an interval of 30 minutes, the update is not always available. However, learning how to read it makes your life much easier.